Age | Stature | Head measurement | Chest size | Waist size | Schoulder - above the knee | Shoulder - knee | Schoulder - below the knee |
2 years | 76-92 | 50 | 48-54 | 43-55 | 39-47 | 42-51 | 45-55 |
4 years | 94-104 | 52 | 52-59 | 48-58 | 48-54 | 52-58 | 56-62 |
6 years | 106-116 | 54 | 54-61 | 50-61 | 55-60 | 59-64 | 63-68 |
8 years | 118-128 | 55 | 56-65 | 52-64 | 61-68 | 65-72 | 70-76 |
10 years | 130-138 | 56 | 58-70 | 54-65 | 69-73 | 73-77 | 77-81 |
12 years | 140-152 | 58 | 64-75 | 56-66 | 74-80 | 78-84 | 82-88 |
* Measures in cmBoy
Age | Stature | Collar size | Chest size | Waist size | Waist-above the knee | Waist- knee | Waist - below the knee |
2 years | 76-92 | 26.5 | 52-54 | 48-54 | 18-22 | 19-23 | 20-24 |
4 years | 94-104 | 27.5 | 56-58 | 50-58 | 23-27 | 24-29 | 25-32 |
6 years | 106-116 | 28.5 | 60-62 | 52-60 | 28-33 | 30-36 | 33-40 |
8 years | 118-128 | 30 | 64-66 | 54-64 | 34-39 | 37-44 | 41-48 |
10 years | 130-140 | 31.5 | 70 | 56-68 | 40-45 | 45-50 | 49-55 |
* Measures in cm